What does GLP-1 maintenance look like? I’m learning it’s going to be different for everyone. Here, I share how it might be for me. At least this week.
Category: Mental Health
Pre-GLP-1s: What It’s Like to Live Over 300 Lbs.
This is for those that are super-fat (over 300 lbs.) and think there is no way out of the predicament. Having gone from 405 lbs. in 2022 to 131 lbs. today, I am living proof there IS a way out! That is with GLP-1s. Read here just how much I understand and how your life can change just as mine has. (Not affiliated with any medication or company. This is my own experience.)
Eating at Disney World on GLP-1s
Eating at Disney World while on a GLP-1 is going to be a whole new experience for me. I am headed out now and can’t wait!
YT: Baring My Arms After 258 lb. Weight Loss
Sharing my YouTube video of me showing my arms after my 258 lb. weight loss with GLP-1s. It’s taking an act of serious bravery, but might as well just get it over with so I can quit worrying about it.
I Have a GLP-1 YouTube Channel!
I finally have a YouTube channel! Come along for the ride.
How Mounjaro Helped My Heart Beat Stronger
Having a heart catheterization was a mixed bag of feelings and experiences. Come along for the ride through my heart’s arteries!
I’m on Dr. Dan’s Obesity Stories!
My episode on Dr. Dan’s Obesity Stories series! I had a great time with him and if you don’t know him yet, what are you waiting for?!
I’m Scared & I Want to Eat (even on GLP-1s)
What happens when you are on GLP-1s and are in a stressful situation? I used to eat. Now what do I do?
I Quit Mochi Health for My GLP-1s
Mochi Health stopped using Hallandale Pharmacy and I want them back! Therefore, I am on a search for another telehealth company. I want one that is ethical, has medical providers I can see with my eyes through my computer, and who uses Hallandale. Is that too much to ask? Let’s see!
Celebrating My Mobility, Health, & Weight Loss on GLP-1s at EPCOT Next Month!
After losing 250 lbs. on the GLP-1 Trulicity and the GIP/GLP-1 Mounjaro, I am ready to walk at EPCOT in Disney World for the first time in 25 years. Wish me luck!
I’ve Lost 250 Lbs. as of Today! Thanks, GLP-1s!
Amazingly, I have lost 250 lbs. in 28 months! As a Super-Responder on GLP-1s, I have a new life that is 180° from my old life. O! The Joy!
Stuff Going on in Our GLP-1 World
Lots going on in my world and our GLP-1 lives, so wanted to do an overview of what was going on here and in the news. Hope it helps!
Insurance vs. Doctors: Who’s the Loser? ME!
What happens when pre-authorization is denied and you need a medication to live? Sadly, I am finding out first hand.
When We Lose Weight Fast: On GLP-1s or Otherwise
A cautionary tale of learning that, when on GLP-1s, you might need to change the dosages of other medications because of weight loss. Take notice!
GLP-1 GI Symptoms & Vitamin D: Possible Correlation
Does low Vitamin D have any connection to our taking GLP-1s? Here, I explore the possibilities.