When I was a fat 350-400 pounds, there were things I could no longer do and needed help with. Through trial and error, I found several items and wanted to share them with you. I do not own stock or even know the people at these companies. They are not sponsors nor am funded by any of the products or their subsidiaries.
They just work great
Wiping Tool
As disgusting as it might sound to regular folks, wiping one’s behind at a super-size is difficult, if not impossible. The fatter I got, the more traumatic it was for me to realize it wasn’t long before I would not be able to reach back there at all. I researched ways people with obesity take care of bodily functions, trying several different tools. I finally settled on this one by Fanwer. I bought a brand new one so I could show you all how I did this. I got this at Amazon.
It took quite a bit of trial and error to figure out the baby wipe solution, but when I did, it was great. I had 2 of the tools, one for home, and one for going out. I used a huge, black, nylon tote that could easily hide things and that I could wash. I kept the “dirty” end (I scoured that thing with disinfectant every day!) in a gallon Ziploc inside the tote. I had a gallon Ziploc with a slew of baby wipes inside. I used Costco brand because I could get them on Amazon and they are the thickest and strongest I could find. I kept a sandwich bag of small rubber bands in there, too, because as soon as you need the tool, a rubber band would break pulling it on, so I learned to keep a supply with me. I used smaller rubber bands. That way I just had to wrap it around twice.
When taking the dirty wipes off, I either wore gloves (kept those in the tote, too) or used another 2 wipes to move the rubber band down (not up over the wipes!) to let go of the wipes, then drop the wipes into the garbage. NOT THE TOILET!
This is quite the production, isn’t it? Yes, you do take time in the baño, but don’t let people knocking on the door or a waiting room of co-workers speed you up. You have every right to take your time. Be methodical and clean and you will feel so much better afterwards.
Big Fig Mattress
The bed I had for a couple of years sagged terribly from my weight, again, research began and I came across Big Fig.
I can’t say enough wonderful things about my Big Fig mattress and frame. You really need to read about how they make them (on the website), but they hold people up to 600 pounds. I thought I was headed there, so wanted to make sure I had something sturdy enough for me. The Queen and King hold 550 pounds per person, that is 1100 pounds combined.
The frames are made special for our weight, too. Read how those are made and I am sure you will be as impressed as I was.
I am aware of how much they cost, but I swear to you, they are worth every penny. I’ve had mine for 6 years now and there is not so much as a dent in it. I sit on the edge and it doesn’t squish down… even at 400 pounds. I’ve had super-size folks sit on the bed with me and they are shocked the side doesn’t collapse with our combined weight. I know! Crazy, right? All I have is the frame and the mattress, no bedroom suite or anything enveloping it.
One other note: Their customer service is meticulous. Any question I had was answered fast and completely and they stayed in touch as the bed was being transported. I wish all service was so great!

Rails to Help Me Out of Bed
I really struggled to get up out of bed. With uncontrolled diabetes, peeing in the middle of the night became a ritual and heaving myself up over and over created accidents sometimes. Not fun! You know the drill by now… research, buy, try, return, try, return, oh… it worked this time!
The Medokare Bed Rails (Amazon, of course) were just the thing I needed. What I especially liked was how sturdy it was and how far back the rails go under the mattress. Being big, pulling on the outer rail while getting up was fine. It didn’t tug the rail part under the mattress out at all. You can see the top of the rail on the left side of my bed right at the center.
The one downside is you can only use one because the under-rail part goes so deeply under the mattress, two would clash underneath. Instead, I got a second type, for lower down, but I am not at all fond of it, so no need to show it here.
I don’t use the basket thingie the great rail comes with because I have a table next to the bed, but it is a nice accessory if you need it.
I could not end this without the recommendation from a friend 30 years ago who saw me hobbling and took me aside to tell me about Birkenstocks and how wonderful they were for large folks. I gasped at the price (averaging $100 a pair), but the Universe provided eventually and my life was changed by wearing Birkies. And while they are crazy expensive, they freakin’ last forever. I’ve had pairs for 20 years, only sometimes having to get them re-soled at local shoemaker’s stores.
I sound like a salesperson, sorry, but again, I get nothing from them except the shoes I buy.
They have leather shoes, vegan shoes, new waterproof shoes (EVA) that are half the price and all the greatness of the more expensive Birkies. The EVAs are all I can afford now, but they are still wonderful for my feet. When I was a midwife, I wore the waterproof clogs because I could clean them with disinfectant or alcohol or even toss them into the dishwasher to get them germless and clean.
My feet rarely hurt in the Birkenstocks. I did hobble again as I got older, but barefoot or in cheaper shoes I was all but crippled by pain. I’ve recommended them to people with obesity all these years and when I hear back, they love them, too. They should have a Super-Size section just for us!
Yes, you can buy them on Amazon, but I buy directly from the online store because they have wayyyy more options and they are awesome with service and help. And they do arrive quickly, too.
But Everything’s So Expensive!
I know. I bought things over decades and when I could afford it. The bed, I saved for almost a year, but it was worth every penny. The shoes are expensive, too, but last so long. Even just having one pair can save you from hobbling all the time.
Know that I know poverty. Real poverty. Food bank, soup kitchens, Thanksgiving and Christmas from Salvation Army (for several years) homeless poverty. I am just not in it at the moment, but have every fiber of my being in the knowledge and memory of what it is like to want and not be able to get. I know kids come first. A place to live, food to eat, medication, transportation, etc. I know… because I know. Please don’t think I am flippantly saying you need to have these things now, but just keep them on your wish list and if you need them, too, I hope they will come sooner than later.
Jail (Some Things That Are Free When You’re Not!)
I went to jail for 21 days at 375 pounds. The women’s jumpsuits didn’t fit. The shorts and tee shirts didn’t fit. They wanted to put me in a top bunk. That wasn’t going to work. They had to send to the men’s jail for their largest jumpsuits for me. I had to go underwear-less because they didn’t sell my size. As humiliating as it was, I pled disability as far as walking far, standing, and getting on the top bunk. I was met with accomodations. Moreso on the west coast than the east coast.
Oh yes, I was extradited from the east coast to the west. I was chained at the ankles and wrists and waist and escorted by two U.S. Marshalls. I flew on a commercial airline and was given one seat in the middle of the Marshall’s. You know how fun that was, right?
Anyway, if you find yourself in jail, make sure they do not try to squeeze you into a too-small jail uniform. Claim disability even if you don’t consider yourself disabled. That is the exact moment when to exert your rights to dignity. People with obesity are discriminated against enough.
Questions & Comments?
If you have questions about how to do something as a super-sized person and want to ask in private, email me at HealthAtAnySize@Gmail.com and I will be sure to help where I can.
If you want to ask publicly because you know others will have the exact same questions, feel free to ask in the comments.
I would love to hear what you all think. And for crying out loud, don’t be mean! We’ve had enough of that crap. (Hmmm, ending where I started. HAHA!)
Love to all!