Health really does take precedent in my life. Know that my labs are amazing. I do have Type 2 Diabetes. My HbA1c started at 9.0 and is now 5.1, The rest of my labs are just as great.
An important point is I am clearly a Super-Responder to GLP-1s. Not everyone is.
Another point is I have had only one side effect, constipation, that I have figured out, with fiber and magnesium supplements, not to have anymore. So I now have zero side effects. I am lucky, I know.
I also want to say that I worked my ass off, quite literally, to get here. Protein. Water. Weight Resistance. WalkingWalkingWalking. And am meticulous with my medication.
Sure, I have a lot of ruched and sagging skin, but I earned it.
Today, I want to crow a bit about my weight loss even as my health is utmost in my mind.
However, with weight loss comes health gain
with health gain comes more weight loss.
It’s a Möbius strip!
Is That ME On the Scale?!?

Weight Loss: The Abbreviated Version
- At 405 lbs., I started my new health and weight loss excursion (more than a journey!) on April 22, 2022 after a post-COVID hospital stay by stopping Uber Eats. I am 5’1″ and my starting BMI was 76.5.
- I started Trulicity (dulaglutide) on July 28, 2022, weighing 365 lbs. having lost 40 lbs. by stopping Uber Eats in 97 days.
- Last shot day of Trulicity 4.5mg. was August 8, 2023. I weighed 279 lbs., losing 86 lbs. while on Trulicity.
- Lost 2 lbs. between last Trulicity shot and first Mounjaro (tirzepatide) shot.
- First shot day of 10 mg. Mounjaro was September 7, 2023; Starting weight 277 lbs.
- September 10, 2024. I’ve lost 122 lbs. (on 15mg. Mounjaro for nine months) in one year. When I couldn’t get 15mg. pens, I augmented with what dosages I could get with compounded tirzepatide (with my endocrinologist’s approval) from Mochi Health (not sponsored) to add up to the 15mg. I was being prescribed. At 155 lbs. today, my BMI is 29.3. I’m only overweight now! Woo hoo!
That Takes Us to September 10, 2024!
I’m really quite shocked I have lost so much weight. It went by so fast! But I know that happens when you are 63 years old anyway.
I am going to meditate on this for awhile, then go to bed so I can get up at 5:00am to walk to Physical Therapy. After PT, I will walk home again. And the whole time, I will be in bliss that my body moves so easily now.